<aside> ❔ No one knows what the price of $NOT will be after listing.


The mining phase is winding down, but the game ain't over yet.

Trading Notcoin Vouchers is up for grabs between users on Getgems and Shardify.

A major change on the horizon is denomination, which will tweak the number of zeroes.

Vouchers issued but not claimed between March 8 and April 1 will be sent out after necessary fixes and improvements.

New voucher issuance will kick back in on the app at http://t.me/notcoin_bot.

Stay tuned to announcements on the channel https://t.me/notcoin or https://t.me/not_a_trade.

Notcoin Vouchers on Getgems

Notcoin Voucher — it's trading Notcoin before tokens hit the blockchain and gain (or not) value.

Only Notcoin players can issue Notcoin vouchers (peer-to-peer) and set their selling price on Getgems.

<aside> ✅ Buy or sell Notcoin vouchers on Getgems


What will the price of $NOT be after listing? No one knows.

The price could even be zero at listing, so keep that in mind when trading vouchers.

After token issuance, voucher holders can swap them for the corresponding amount of $NOT tokens.

Pre-Market supports $NOT listing through royalties: 20% of NFT sales go towards token liquidity for listings.

Where can you be the first to learn about token release dates? Only on t.me/notcoin_bot and the official channel t.me/notcoin.

Notcoin on Shardify — shardify.app

Disclaimer: It's recommended to do your own research and consult experts before using the service and trading on exchanges supporting the wNOT token. For newcomers, this is a high-risk tool, and you may lose real money due to inexperience.

Shardify — it's a beta version service that allows splitting NFTs and acquiring a small share of any NFT. At the early stage, the service only supports vouchers from the NFT collection Notcoin Pre-Market.